St. Ann's PU College Mangalore organized the GREEN STEP 2021 awareness movement from 5th June to 5th July 2021.
The Green step 2021 is a movement organised to generate awareness among the youth of today. This virtual movement began on the World Environment Day ( 5th June 2021) the theme being Ecological Restoration. Students showed their enthusiasm towards this project by their participation in large numbers.
The Day 1 of the movement began with Planting the seeds/sapling in a pot.
On day 7 , students observed the germination of the seeds/growth of the saplings. The patience and care shown by them towards their propagation bore fruit.
Day 14 to 26 , students shared their experiences of Nurturing the nature during this movement.
On the 5th of July (Final day) the students planted the new sapling on the ground, as part of Van Mahothsav celebration.
As a result of this small movement many students have taken growing vegetables and flowers as their hobby. The participants' contribution has indeed been an inspiration to all.
Every participant of Green Step 2021 was awarded with a certificate of appreciation .